Hi Guys,
i hope that one of you can help me with an idea that I want to integrate on my (one page) website.
I want to animate a Lottie file while scrolling. So far so good. I am able to do that. But there is a catch because of the effect I want to achieve.
After loading my page I want the lottie file and the scroll function to act as a “trailer” (the first thing the user see) before the actual hero section comes into place. The lottie animation is basically a question the user is asking himself, that is answered on my hero section.
Page Load
Lottie Animation on scroll (fixed - full screen)
Hero section appears
Scroll down the page
Basically animation section needs to be fixed until the animation is scrolled through. Then i need a transition so I can scroll thru the rest of the one pager.
Maybe, there is another way to achieve the same effect?
I hope you guys understood what I wanted to say haha
Thanks for any help!