Lottie animation doesnt work on export

When I export my website, the lottie animations don’t start. I used the inspector tool in the browser to check if they are being rendered, and they are, but they do not start appear. Is this a bug?



I came across this post when looking for an answer for a customer, but one thing to note, if you are testing your lottie animation on your exported site and it isn’t connected to a hosting server it will not work.

Lottie animations need to be on hosting servers to work.

Hope that helps,
~ Brandon

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I have exported the entire website from webflow and hosted it on Linux server (hostinger)
I have noticed that .json lottie files are working fine but .lottie extension lottie files are not even showing up.

How do I make .lottie extension animations run on it?

How to connect it to a Hosting server? Can you guide please? We are stuck since 4 days on this.

I have the exact same problem. I m using hosting as well. Did you find any solution?

Same problem (
.json work fine
.lottie not

Hi all, sorry for the delayed response. This issue should be fixed now — dotLottie files should now load properly after re-exporting your code.

If you don’t have the option to re-export, you can patch in the fix in the webflow.js file directly. Here’s how you would do it:

  1. Open webflow.js file
  2. Search for fetch(new URL(e).href)
  3. Replace that with fetch(new URL(e,window?.location?.href).href)
  4. Save, and make sure hosting server serves this updated JS file.

Please let me know if that works.
