Linking of elements using CMS Collections

I have a series of elements (text + images) that are picking up meta data from a CMS collection I have. These are linked out right now to internally linked pages.

There doesn’t appear to be a way to change this.

I also don’t know how to change the linking on the main page - if I wanted to separate the linking from the CMS and just do it manually.

Could really use some help here.

As you can see above, I can’t make it a stand alone link that is not in a sub-folder of the existing site.

Here is an example of a page element. Click on the book a call element or the image element on the right leads to that link laid out in the CMS.

I don’t see any link block?

I just want this element and the text element to link out to an external site.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)