Hi, If you follow my share link you can see that the third section (What we Stand For) you can see I have a standard tab element. At the bottom of each tab there is a button on ‘Problem’ that I want to link to the ‘Solution’ tab and on the ‘Opportunity’ Tab I have a button that I want to link to the ‘Solution’ Tab) makes sense when you see it! I have named each tab in the link settings; however, the button just takes you to the top of the page. Anyone know how to fix this please? Many thanks.
Hi @nwdsha, it’s not working for me. Its the buttons at the bottom of the tab not the top http://betterhomes4all.webflow.io this is the build. The buttons are in the tabs above ‘Other Ways You Can Help’ - kind regards Roxzanne
It’s a constant struggle to work smarter not harder!
I utilize the button for useful code or tricks, but also have started using Bear to extract and save useful sites and info using the browser extensions. It natively supports syntax for lots of useful code languages.
Tip: Add a transparent border to the default state of the tab buttons. Match it to the width of the hover state border. This will keep the buttons from moving when one of them is hovered. Or just have the border there always as the same color as its button. Then on hover only change the background color and font color.
Hi Guys - it’s been a while I know, the clients been away! I looked at the video, does it basically mean I need to duplicate my page in order to create the link? So rather than the button linking to a tan it actually links to another page where the required tab is the default? Many thanks.
@Roxzfrv That shouldn’t be necessary, but “faking” tabs can done if say it would help with SEO or ease of design which I have done in the past for an ecommerce site. The downside is the visitor will see the page reload.
Follow the tutorial by @mistercreate but do it for the tabs on the same page instead of different pages. On the button link, instead of putting /share?tab=shared#shared-tab-section remove the page part of the link so you would just be left with ?tab=shared#shared-tab-section. That should change tabs and scroll the visitor to the top of the tab panel. Remember to change tab and shared to the class names you used in your project, and change shared-tab-section to the id you used as well.
I haven’t tested this, but in theory it should work. Hope that helps.
Thank you so much @matthewpmunger. I have been playing all day and created copy pages, but I will try this tomorrow - when my head clears! I’ll let you know how I get on many thanks once more.