Link option not visible

i want insert link to this element you see but it seems link option is not visible…why?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @Jan_Francioni

You can right click on the Div block and select “Convert to link block”

Then you’ll be able to insert a link.


Thanks for your answer.

It seems i can’t as you can see from my screenshot

Hi Jan,

I can’t enter your site Read-Only Link.

Can you share it again?

Also, probably there is a Link block somewhere as a parent element, that’s why you can’t convert that div.

The screenshot is this:

and also as you can see also text block is not possible to link. Idk why

It looks like you have the Text block selected. You need to right click on the Div block.

Hey Jan!

Either use a link block with text inside
use a text link instead of a text block.