Lightbox Help For My Website

I have not been very active with Webflow. I was wondering if lightbox is still a supported tool. The reason I ask is, and it’s likely user error, I cannot seem to get each image to have it’s own larger image. When I click on the image I want to add the larger image to it is pre populated with the image from the fist image. I have tried logging out then logging back in but that did not help. Any Tips or instructions, I may not be doing this correctly.
Thank you for the help

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Sounds like you might be missing a step. Each lightbox linked media needs to belong to the same lightbox group.

See → Link lightboxes using Lightbox groups in the Webflow University.

Let us know if this resolved your issue.

Thank you that worked, much appreciated, I am not on often but I do have a paid project , lol

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