Layout & positioning issues


I have some trouble trying to understand how to keep a normal size on this button without it covering the whole page and make this look good on the other devices…:

Also how can I move the image section further into the screen without it being so close to the edge?

One last thing, I have tried to put all the elements in columns on the front-page, but on mobile I can’t seem to make it responsive. The button disappears under the image I think… And is there a way to move the text further to the right without:

Thanks for any instructions.

Here is my site Read-Only:


I don’t like columns. The only case I am using this element is when I need to present A lots of text. Use flex - more flexible, or grid if you feel comfortable with that.

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Thanks for the reply! I have tried Grid but it still looks weird on mobile and I can’t seem to figure out how to lower the button on the desktop version. Do you have any ideas for how I can fix this?

This is my link:


grid is great - it requires experience. I recommend you to check what webflow has in the tutorial section (university), in the attach video you can see how did I solve the mobile issue/ hope it helps :slight_smile:

If you still need help - don’t hesitate


Thank you so much! I managed to fix it.