Layered scroll effect with sections

Hi everyone! :wave:

I’ve been looking for a template for the design I want to apply to a page on my website for days, to no avail.
Indeed I want to create an effect where the different sections are superimposed as you scroll, like “cards”, from bottom to top (card N°2 covering card N°1 as you scroll).
The most similar thing I could find is this example: Layered Scroll Demo - Webflow

A question arises however: is it possible to realize this effect with sections, and not blocks ? (there is a menu on my page for the different sections.)

Thank you in advance :blush:

Here is my public share link

here is a video to help :slight_smile:

Hey @PixelGeek !

Thank you so much for your help, it was super easy to understand.

Still, I think there’s something I did wrong. Is it because of my nav menu/footer? I let you look by yourself, here is my read-only link.
Also, since I want to round the corners of each section to give that card impression, how do I make it so that there is no white on the sides and so that section 2 encroaches a little bit more on section 1?

Thank you again for your time!