If i were to lose access to my webflow account, how would i go about restoring my website? For instance, if i were to lose my 2fa device and backup codes, or i get hacked, i would need to restore my site without having access to my account. I was wondering if there is any way to backup my entire website to the cloud or a separate file on my machine in order to restore my site?
There is no way to externally backup your site to then be later imported back into Webflow. You could setup a second Webflow account and store a backup of the site in that as an alternative.
If you do lose access to your account by lost 2FA, our support team may be able to get you back into your account after verifying additional information.
Thanks for letting me know. Would you happen to know what the addition information is? Asking so i can write it down now to prepare for potential account loss.