Interactive SVG Animation like Rive

Hello all,

I have seen some great examples of Rive (previously Flare) and Google flutter integration. I see great potential for event-based advanced SVG animation within Webflow. It can be a strong alternative for Lottie animation, especially for 2D content.

Check out these links:

I’d like to know if there’s any pre-existing workarounds to use interactive SVG animations. If not, I’d like to know if there’s some development going on in that direction?


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

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Link doesn’t work.
I’d like to find examples of people getting rive animations into Webflow.
Anybody any experience here?

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Late - but you can totally integrate Rive into Webflow via auto-generated embed code! Once you have your Rive animation built out, create a Share link in the editor:

Specifically for integrating into Webflow, check out this tidbit:

Will Rive animations work with Webflow interactions the way Lottie does though?

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