In the slider on mobile, the text blinks when you switch

The first slider on the page: Webflow - Moon Karaoke

There are 3 slides in the mobile version - a picture and text on it. When you swipe to the next slide, the text disappears and appears again, when you swipe back, the same thing happens((
I found information that this may be due to an incorrect z-index, but my z-index for text is higher than for the picture.
Please help me solve this problem :pray::pray::pray:

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK][1]
([how to share your site Read-Only link][2])

Hi there,

Please, publish your site into staging and share the link, because if it is not published, then we can’t see the functionality or use it of your sliders.

Maybe, it can be an effect, animation, however I need to test it on staging to see it in action.

Hi, I have a website published: Moon Consulting

Sorry, I managed to solve this problem somehow. Thank you)