No worries Eduardo,
Forgive me if I go over some basics but lets just double check you’ve got everything setup as it should be.
Universal Analytics
To install Universal Analytics you need to add the tracking code snippet that you’ve got from Google in your property settings. It’s important to point out that Google has for some time been issuing Tag Manager tracking code through Analytics rather than the slightly older Universal tracking code. Using that code I’ve found won’t allow the events to be passed so we need to make sure you are in fact using the Universal tracking code.
This is what the Universal Tracking code should look like, it should be added to head of the entire site by going to “Project Settings” — “Custom Code” — “Head Code”. Really important to make sure you don’t have the tracking code anywhere else such as the in the “Intergrations” section. Adding it there might achieve the same result but I’m going with what I know…
In the code below you need to replace the “UA-49347834-1” with your own property ID, found in Google Analytics.
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-49347834-1', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');
Right so that’s Universal Analytics setup, hopefully your property is getting some traffic and you can see it in the Real Time section of Google Analytics, this can take a bit of time when setting up from new.
A Brief Overview of Events in Analytics
Each event that you send to Google needs to have at the very least a “Category”, an “Action” and a "Lablel. This will all become obvious when you start seeing events pop into Analytics but effectively you can use these three fields to help you disect information in Analytics. So for your Nav bar it could be a category of “Nav”, an action of “Click” and a label of “Sobre”. This will then make sense to you when you look at Analytics and you’ll know which part of the nav or website has been clicked on and how many times.
JS to send events to Analytics
Simply the below needs to be added to the footer code of every page in much the same way we added the original tracking code above. Without getting into too much depth we’re saying that when someone clicks on something with the attribute of “data-gatrack” send the events category, action and label to analytics.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on('click', '[data-gatrack]', function(e) {
var $link = $(this);
var commaSeperatedEventData = $'gatrack');
var eventParams = commaSeperatedEventData.split(',');
if (!eventParams) { return; }
eventCategory = eventParams[0]
eventAction = eventParams[1]
eventValue = eventParams[2]
ga('send', {
hitType: 'event',
eventCategory: eventCategory,
eventAction: eventAction,
eventLabel: eventValue
Now to add some events
We’re ready to go and add in some events, do them one at a time to start to make sure it’s working (and make sure your IP address isn’t excluded from Analytics so you can test it).
Go into Webflow’s Designer select the element that you want to create an action for and then go to the settings of that element. Two thirds of the way down you’ll see an area for custom attributes which is where we want to be.

We want to go in here and add a new attribute with a name of data-gatrack (note that if this isn’t correct it won’t work as this triggers the afore mentioned JS). And then using commas as separaters enter our category, action and label. You should end up with something that looks like this:

Click save, publish and go into Real Time in Analytics. Start clicking that link as many times as you like and hopefully events should start registering!
Hope this helps, let me know if you get stuck or have any issues.