Event tracking with the new gtag.js

Hey guys

Seems like the event tracking stopped working after google introduced the new gtag.js any idea how I can continue tracking events?


I donā€™t know about gtag.js (which is specially purposed for webshops), but the new version for ā€˜normal useā€™ is ga.js (there is a switch in the settings/integrations page of Webflow). You can implement it almost as in the ā€˜oldā€™ way as described in: Google Analytics event tracking for buttons in Webflow - #27 by WFHelp_FF

but you need to change the code in the footer to:

<!-- Start of Google Analytics Event tracking code -->
  $(document).ready(function() {
    $(document).on('click', '[data-gatrack]', function(e) {
      var $link = $(this);
      var trackData = $link.data('gatrack');
      if (!trackData) { return; }
      var trackParams = ['send', 'event'].concat(trackData.split(','));
      ga.apply(null, trackParams);
<!-- End of Google Analytics Event tracking code -->

need more data on this

iā€™ve tried following those instructions exactly, and used the code from this post

no events being triggered in google analytics

any help?

Iā€™ve been attempting to fix the same problem: trying to record events in google analytics from webflow.

Iā€™ve managed to find a solution by doing the following:

  • Donā€™t use webflowā€™s google analytics integration under their ā€˜Integrationsā€™ tab. Instead, paste googleā€™s Global Site Tag (gtag.js) into your siteā€™s <head> tag (under webflowā€™s ā€˜Custom Codeā€™ tab).

  • Paste the following code into the ā€˜Footer Codeā€™ section of webflowā€™s ā€˜Custom Codeā€™ tab:

       $(document).ready(function() {      
         $(document).on('click', '[data-gatrack]', function(e) {
           var $link = $(this);
                   var commaSeperatedEventData = $link.data('gatrack');
                   var eventParams = commaSeperatedEventData.split(',');
                   if (!eventParams) { return; }
                   eventCategory = eventParams[0]
                   eventAction = eventParams[1]
                   eventLabel = eventParams[2]
                           'event_category': eventCategory,
                           'event_label': eventLabel
  • Go to an element you want to track an event on (like a form button), and add a ā€˜Custom Attributeā€™ with the following format: Name = data-gatrack Value = yourEventCategory, yourEventAction, yourEventLabel


@alexvale, thanks alot for sharing this !

@alexvale how can you add a ā€œNameā€ custom attribute to a form button? Looks like this is not possible (anymore?)ā€¦

Thanks for your help!!

@marky when you click the ā€˜+ā€™ button under Custom Attribute it will come up with a popup that looks like the image below. There should be 2 fields, ā€˜Nameā€™ and ā€˜Valueā€™.

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Thanks for this solution, @alexvale!

Iā€™ve implemented it but canā€™t tell if itā€™s working. How would you go about testing to see if it works?

Hereā€™s what Iā€™ve done:

  1. Added gtag.js script to site head

  2. Added your code to site footer

  3. Added data-gatrack attribute to my test button

  4. Checked GA Events

  5. Tried using GA Debug and Event Tracking Tracker Chrome extensions, but couldnā€™t figure out how to test for successful tracking

What am I missing? :man_facepalming:
And how would you go about testing?

Thank you for this Alex. Worked like a charm.