Looking to fix the fact that images within Rich text and coming from the CMS are not showing as full width on screen sizes bigger than 1920px and up. Help!
Here is my public share link: [1]
Looking to fix the fact that images within Rich text and coming from the CMS are not showing as full width on screen sizes bigger than 1920px and up. Help!
Here is my public share link: [1]
Your image size is 1500px and is set to “max width = 100%” Try saving your image at 2500px wide and swap out with existing.
I recommend saving the file with some compression to help with your page load.
Thanks! I was trying to fiddle with the settings to see if width would do it. I set it back to “full width”
So the only work around is to have the image be larger?
I believe so. The rich text full-width images have a property enabled for “Max Width = 100%” meaning 100% of the actual pixels of what you’ve uploaded. This is hard coded on the Webflow side but technically if it were changed to “max width = 200%” you wouldn’t need to upload a new image.
I’m not sure how to change this built-in property. There might be some custom code that can overrides this.