Images not displaying on Mobile Landscape

Hey guys. I have about 15 images all in lightboxes linked to the same group (Gs).
It displays all images on desktop, tablet, and mobile landscape breakpoints but on mobile portrait (tested with my phone and in designer at times) only the first four images are displayed
Which the first four images are set to eager compared to the rest on the page are set too lazy. The lazy images aren’t shown unless you scroll when the page is loads, but changing this valve to eager to auto hasn’t done anything on my end).

Here’s some images for context:
Bugged, should display more images

Also I don’t know if this is related but the images display smaller for some reason, seems to be arbitrary as all the lightboxes and images have the same css values, the only difference (at least that I know of) is that some are different resolutions/file sizes
How it should look (in designer):

How it actually looks (published site):

I followed the video from @Ellen_Larsson on this post which showed a blue value of 10 bottom margin, which is default it must have been changed then set to 10. Though this didn’t solve the issue

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Enzo's Photos Catalogue