Image on Foreground Always While Scrolling


I’ve been searching everywhere and I can’t find a tutorial that explains how can I keep an image on the Foreground while I’m scrolling, even if I jump to different sections.

I would like to do something similar to this, although it is not in Webflow. :

As you can see, the wasp continues being in front even while scrolling down, passing different sections. It would be great to know how to have a 3D object behave like the wasp, but right now I only need a simple png image to be always on front.

Please help!

Thank you,

hello, @davidsalomon
you can put a div inside your body or page-wrapper
and give it: height: 100vh, width: 100%, position: fixed , top:0 , left: 0
and mouse event: none
and inside that put your image .