Hi everybody, when I publish the site and view it on my Iphone SE one image just disappears. When I turn the phone to landscape view it’s suddenly there and stays when I turn the phone back to portrait. Has anyone an idea what’s this about? On my friends Iphone 13 mini it works properly…
Hi Sebastian, thanks for answering. Image has width 671px an hight auto (HiDPI). What really irritates me is that on my SE Phone with the first loading the image doesn’t appear. When I turn to landscape it appears and is even shown on normal portrait than…
I tried it back and forth with width, overflows etc…but cant find it…
Thanks for guiding me to the image setting It works now but, man, don’t know what is going on there
I switched from Load: Lazy to Load:Eager and the image appears instantly. Hope there are no disadvantages for speepage though…