Image bug on Safari browser

Hey everybody, I’ve got a bug with the hero section on this page. On Safari browsers and in the designer the first large image will flash out of place briefly on scroll. the image is tied to a “While scrolling in view” interaction. I’ve set an origin position for the image as I’ve seen that be the cause of interaction bugs before, but that doesn’t seem to be fixing it. It doesn’t seem to be a problem on Chrome. Would love any feedback or ideas, thanks in advance!

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - MLML
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hey JosiahGriswold!Ac to me to resolve this issue, one solution is to check the interaction settings of the hero section and ensure that they are configured correctly for Safari browsers. Additionally, one solution is to check the background image settings of the hero section and ensure that they are configured correctly for Safari browsers. Try this once.

Hey there, thanks for the reply. I would love to configure it correctly for Safari Browsers but I’m not sure exactly how to do that or what that means, would you mind clarifying? Thanks again!