I want to separate a page in my CMS. How do I do this?

I have a standard Webflow blog page that is in a standard CMS collection. The standard individual page in the CMS collection has a fixed structure, but I want to change one specific page, but still keep the page in the CMS collection.

Is this possible?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

No, you’d need to use conditional visibility, so that the elements only appear on the specific page instances you want, e.g, where a CMS switch field is set to ON.

Custom code is your other option.

Could you help me with this?

Me explaining the problem:

Hey Oscar,

I don’t use Webflow’s ECommerce much, so I don’t have any specific techniques I can recommend. The approach I’d use is to try building a script that first clicks a hidden add-to-cart button, and then submits the form.

It should work fine, but I haven’t had any clients who’ve needed that, so I’ve never tested that as a solution.