I need Sizing Help

From what I understand, you can set the size of an element to be 100vw and 60vh, which means that it will take up that much of the view on the screen.

When I set up a div block to be that size, why does it have a left indentation?

What I want to do is set a div block to take up the full view width and have 3 children div blocks inside it with their size set as a %, in relation to its parent element.

This way when it scales down to the mobile versions it will be in the proportions I want them to be.

Also, how to I create a box with a set size that restricts the size of an image.

Everytime I add an image, it scales to its true size. I want all the images to be set in a box, with a % size to it.

Thank you all in advance for your time. I appreciate such helpful communities.

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(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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