Does anyone know how to use webflow animations after exporting the code in javascript?
Like lets say you add a new button and would like to reuse an exported webflow animation onClick, how would one go about this?
Are there any tutorials about this?
I think alot of people would love to learn more about this
Webflow’s IX2 works fine on exporting a site but it is not really designed to be customized once exported. However you can inspect the code and manipulate it as you see fit. I personally have not bothered, choosing to instead use third party animation libraries like GSAP.
Thank you @webdev, looking for Webflow IX2 helped me find the solution.
This post is kind of a duplicate of this.
I guess the simplest way to reuse animations, is to bind them to a hidden button and call them with like that: document.getElementById('hidden-animation-trigger-button-id-goes-here').click();
StackOverflow also explain how you can fire the ClickEvent only.
Still would be nice to have a tutorial about this, the docs in this forum seem a litle bit outdated