How to "see" text to edit in a template nav bar

I purchased a Webflow template and I cannot for the life of me find the place to edit the navbar text. The navbar shows up on the site (for all size screens) as just a hamburger icon. I want to edit the names of the pages that show up when you click the hamburger icon as well as the links to those pages. For example, I want to make “Home 3” say “Works” instead and link to my Works page. However, I cannot find a way to edit this.

I’ve seen this editing feature mentioned in other forum answers, but I do not have that feature showing up in my project. Where do I find this? I feel like I have clicked on every conceivable place looking for this editing box to pop up. Thank you for your help!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)


So, I solved my own problem, but I thought I would share my solution just in case anyone else runs into the same issue. I needed to be able to “see” the nav menu that pops up when you click on the hamburger menu. To see this menu in order to edit it, I needed to switch the Nav Links Container from hidden to un-hidden. I clicked on Nav Links Container in the navigation column on the left. Then I clicked “block” in the Display section on the right. This made the hamburger menu nav pop up and I was able to then edit the text and the links. Then I had to make sure to click the Nav Links Container back to “hidden” in the display section. I hope this helps someone!


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