How to forward mouse events through layers (link-blocks)?

hey guys, I would appreciate any help. here is the scenario:

  1. I want to make a portfolio with slides. Each slide has images, sometimes one, sometimes two, three etc.

  2. each image has a hover (tooltip javascript).

  3. On top of all there are 2 link-blocks (they will be transparent, this colors is just for illustration). When you click “link-block-before” you go to the previous slide, and when you click on “link-block-next” you go to the next one. both link blocks are absolute positioned and are not related to images (parent-child).

need to be able to interact with the elements under the link blocks.

the main problem is that hover is not reacting because of link blocks on top of everything, is there any js option available? is that even possible?

thank you! :heart:

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the community love to help people that share theirReadOnlyLink. And now you can share it right from the Designer!

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While we don’t have your read-only, please read through this tutorial:

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hello :slight_smile: i just update it. thank you for helping

hi, i just update it with read-only :))
i understand Z-index, this is little complicated than that, maybe not even possible. if you have time, you can check it. i appreciate every help :slight_smile: cheers

I am trying to help, but can not find the page with the slider. Where is this slider? Is it on the homepage, about? works?

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Hi shokoaviv, there is no slider :slight_smile: i just created 2 pages with fake ‘slides’ for demo purposes (Slide1 & Slide2). Look up for description. problem i have is possibility to forward mouse events through layers (divs). Rest of the pages are irrelevant to this topic. I did a research today and it looks like it is not easy as it seems. One thing that looks like a light at the end of a tunnel is this: Forwarding Mouse Events Through Layers | VinylFox

I just need to figure out how to implement it since i have zero coding experience :grinning:

Maybe you can take a look and figure out is that something that I could use it. Thanks mate :grinning:

Both options is working for me. Block links on top+images hover on bottom or vice versa. Maybe it is easier to forward click then hover? I just don’t know :pleading_face: trying to figure it for 6 days now.