How to do a form action as well as submit details on webflow forms

How to do a form action (which is an external URL) as well as capture the submit details on the form in webflow?

Short answer: code! You will need to perform the external submission through the use of JS. Useful links:

Thanks Jeandcc

I used this -
Webflow.push(function() {
$(β€˜form’).submit(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
location.href = β€˜https://redirecturl?name=’ + $(β€˜#name’).val() + β€˜&email=’ + $(β€˜#email’).val() + β€˜&phone=’ + $(β€˜#phone’).val() + β€˜&a1=’ + $(β€˜#a’).val();
}, 100);

in order to do the form submission as well as redirect with the url parameters. This removed dependency on action in my specific case.

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Hi! Do you know how I would use or change this code to make it dynamic depending on selections made in the form? Essentially the form has to submit and also Redirect to a unique URL depending on options selected in form. Theirs six different options. Any help would be super appreciated!!

Thanks for this, it should be helpful.