How to create a flexible color block that fit the browser window

my link

on the botton of this page I want to create a pink “background” that extending or shrink based on my browser’s window size. Somehow the webpage always move around since it doesn’t fit.
and also anyone know how to make my logo on just in the center of this page instead of in the center of the content block…
thank you !!

Hey @Siyueisdiving
I see that your Body has paddings. I recommend you remove paddings and create a div with this paddings and put inside all sections except the footer.
For your logo in navigation you can use grid instead flex, create 3 equal columns and align your logo

Hi thank you for messaging me here is what I have done. I took the advice of remove the paddings of body and wrapped the rest of the content except the footer but I didn’t use a column idea because I just did some research. They said they agreed is better than colume since I did with the columns and did it doesn’t really work.
thank you

I mean use the grid system. Webflow has grids and when you create it you show that it will be 3 columns and 1 row
Here is the read-only link like example:

Let me know if you have any questions