How to connect Skype with Webflow

Hey, I’m buildng a website for the cilent and the want to include their Skype number. What I did is I added a link element and pasted the number there but I don’t know what I should do to make it navigate the user to Skype to make a call. WHAT i want is: when user clicks on the number they should be navigated tot the Skype window with a call. If user doesn’t have a Skype installed I gues they should be navigated to the download skype page

Hi there,

You can create clickable phone links in Webflow using the Link settings. To set up a phone link:

  1. Select the element you want to turn into a phone link
  2. In the Element Settings panel, locate the Link section
  3. Enter “tel:” followed by the phone number (e.g., tel:+1234567890)

For Skype calls, you can use the “skype:” protocol in your link (e.g., skype:username?call). Keep in mind that Skype links will only work if visitors have Skype installed on their device.

Hopefully this helps! If you still need assistance, please reply here so somebody from the community can help.

And what if someone doesn’t have skype how to resolve this case?