How to Add Google Dark Map mode in Webflow

I Just browsing the internet and found something cool “A Dark or Custom Color Google Map”.
But When I go to my website and Try to use it nothing will showing there.
I don’t know how I can implement that coding on my website threw webflow.

Here is the link to the google map Styling Script:

If anybody knows how to use it in the webflow Please tell me.

No way by webflow widget (I almost sure).

But by simple copy-paste the js (before body) + add empty div with #id of map it should work fine (You should know a little JS).

Map style

(Output the JSON and again copy==>paste)

Get API Key

To use the Maps JavaScript API, you must register your app project on the Google Cloud Platform Console and get a Google API key which you can add to your app.

Webflow custom code

in my opinion no way to do it

Snazzy Maps is probably the best and easiest way to go here!


I was just pasting a link to Snazzy Maps too!