How can i include a video in webm format?

How can i include a video in webm format instead of an animated Gif?

I tried it with the video function, but it is not possible to enter the URL:

Webflow show: invalid embeded type link.

I want to use this video instead of an animated GIF. So i need also the autoplay function. Can you help me in this?

Thanks a lot!

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Hey @Bettina_Lucas

Hope this helps > The WebM video format

Piter :webflow_heart:

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You can use an HTML Embed block with the following code:

<video autoplay loop muted playsinline src="" style="width:100%; height:500px"></video>

An alternative would be to use our background video element, which takes care of encoding the video and making the video tags.


Thanks for your answer! I included it as a background image but the video is not shown on the start page:

I need to look into the reason for this, but a quick fix for you is to set z-index: 0 on the background video element:

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Thanks! I made it with an embeded code because as background video the dimenson are not like the original ones.

Now i have the problem, that the video is not shown on iphone.

On Desktop it work well. The video is .webm. So for iphone i need .mp4?