How can I have one section scroll over another when scrolling

I would like to build a page where each section of the page scrolls over the section above it. I have recorded a video of what I would like to do. Also is there a name for what this is called? I’m new to webflow so any help would be great.
Thank you.


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Try position: sticky and top: 0

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thank you a ton that worked. But for some reason it does not cover the full section above it when I scroll. I have attached a video.

I’ve to check your project to properly pin point the issue.

here is a link Login - Webflow

that link doesn’t work, you have to click on Share on the top right, then you get a link there, share me that.

Sorry about that. Webflow - NEW DM SITE

The issue is that you have set 100vw instead of 100vh on Section 2

Also when using position sticky, either use top: 0 or bottom: 0 as per you need, these two works different with position: sticky. And you should not apply everything that you see there, especially when you are not sure.