Hover interaction with a block fading in

Hello everybody,

I was looking for this all over the forum and the interactions videos and I can find it yet.

So i want to know if it’s possible to do an interaction (triggered by Hover) where i put the mouse over a Block or image and another block appears on top if it (fade in, the fade out when you take out the cursor).

I want to do like a “more info” just by hovering. I m thinking a bubble speach that fades when you put the cursor over a block.

Is this possible?


It sounds like what you’re talking about could be achieved by following this tutorial (if I’m understanding what you’re needing correctly). http://tutorials.webflow.com/show-content-on-hover

Thank you for your answer!

I’ve already seen this tutorial but i dont know how to associate whit what I want to do. Because the content I want to show is not the same content I will be putting the cursor over. I dont know if I explain myself.

I want to put my cursor over a content and I want an other content to appear elsewhere bassicly.

Can i do this?

Ah, I think I understand what you’re talking about. What about this tutorial? http://tutorials.webflow.com/click-to-show-hide

If you instead change it to trigger on hover, would that do the trick? Depending on what you’re going for, doing display:none, which is shown in the video, would work. The other option would be to do an opacity change instead. I hope this helps?