MODdisplays has created a successful and in my opinion a great e-commerce website utilizing Webflow. We’re on a PRO plan with business hosting and we love using Webflow
We’re looking to expand by designing websites and web interfaces geared towards trade show display kiosks utilizing Webflow. It seems like a perfect match, but as Im building out proof of concept websites/kiosk interfaces I’m running into huge limitations based on my hosting plan.
Why are there limitations on the what you can create in Webflow based on hosting? I have no problem paying or charging my client for all the benefits of each hosting plan once the project is live/published, but I need to be able to build out a comprehensive proof of concept prior so that I can sell my client on an idea.
This is a roadblock that I was not expecting to run into and I’m really frustrated that Webflow has created this unnecessary block in something that would help them as well as I. The more I sell and sign up for hosting the more they make.
Just does not make sense to me.
I look forward to hearing some perspective on why I might not being seeing things clearly.