'horizontalScroll.js' Conflicts With iX2's Scroll Into View

Hello everyone,

I’ve been working on a website based on a clone by @Diarmuid_Sexton . Everything worked well until when I add in ‘Scroll Into View’ or ‘While Scrolling In View’ interactions in any part of the page, then it stopped reacting to scrolls. However, link navigations based on the custom script and swipes still works.

I identified the issue by dissecting my project by copying and publishing each element from my working file to a fresh clone and found that those interactions are messing up with the scroll action.

Is there any workaround to this? My only fallback at the moment would be depending on other interactions that does not involve scrolling.

Hope to resolve this soon.


Diarmuid Sexton’s link
[1]: Horizontally Scrolling Websites - 2 different plugins - #9 by Diarmuid_Sexton

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