Hi everyone !
I’ve cloned this project by @vincent in order to addd horizontal scroll to my website. The demo is working fine but, when I paste it on my own website and add my own content, it doesn’t work.
Also, there’s a huge white space before the scrolling section. I think it’s because of the vh height of the section, but it’s not really pretty. Isn’t there a way to remove this blank space while still having the horizontal scroll animation ?
Here’s the link to my website : https://preview.webflow.com/preview/justinewargnier?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=justinewargnier&preview=0f38c3e804ba98db93bba44f79f876e3&pageId=62e7a842669b2459bc4a622c&workflow=preview
Thanks for your time,