Horizontal Scroll Issue

So I’ve looked through the forum numerous times and combed through my website and still can’t figure out why I have a horizontal scroll happening on my page. Everything I’ve tried from the forum hasn’t worked and so hopefully someone here can look at my site and let me know a good solution.
Basically, I want to get rid of the black bar that goes down the right side of the page. It doesn’t show up in the develop module, but on mobile and desktop, it does. if you scroll horizontally to the right you will see it. I thought it was because my overflow settings on the sections were set to scroll but they’re all set to hidden (except for the body which is set to visible because otherwise I can’t scroll vertically).

Here is the Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/portfolio-cf0af5?preview=4cfcaea2329c896bf9403fb8ee91bb4b

…and here is the live page: http://portfolio-cf0af5.webflow.io/

You use a lot of styles (absolute & % units) - so some of your elements “out of the screen”. The easiest way to solve this is by custom code - copy/paste before body:

        overflow-x: hidden;

Also under designer mode items go out of the screen.

I don’t think it worked, should I do anything more than just pasting into the before body code?

In your case also add this (You added a class with overflow: visible; for the body:

     overflow-x: hidden;

yay that worked! thank you!

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Hi, for some reason that stopped working. Any idea why that could’ve happened?

Hi, Please Add live URL