Hiring Webflow Designer / Developer

Hello, I currently need my homepage on my SaaS re-designed. It is currently hosted on Bubble and have an existing design that I want re-done. Please PM me if you are open to this opportunity. I’m looking to hire as soon as possible.

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Hi @tegers

We can help to you design the responsive website page with eye-catching UI design.

Portfolio Link: https://www.figma.com/file/5Z8Vb3seH34vgbbO5Q2Six/LMS-Website?type=design&node-id=0-1&mode=design

Let’s DM me here for a detailed discussion.

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Hello, I help you with this requirement.

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Hello! Having some trouble PMing you but I would love to help. Here’s my portfolio: https://www.brooksdesign.io/ (password 2%Cs45wyKh) and if you’re interested you should be able to get in touch through the site. Hope we get a chance to discuss!

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I would be open to taking up this project.

Hope you are doing well
Having reviewed your requirement,I would love to help you out with that let’s connect to discuss more in detail.

I have reviewed your project requirement; I can surely help you out with that.
Let’s connect for detail discussion.

Looking forward to hearing from you
Email – bhoisurbhi062@gmail.com
Skype - live:.cid.dacba1cd0cd506c0

Are you still looking for a developer?