Hide the show/hide animation by clicking elsewhere on page

Hi, is there any way to create a show/hide interaction whereby when the mouse is clicked elsewhere on the page (rather than clicking the element which initiated the interaction again) the hidden element disappears?

I’d like this in my dropdown navbar as well as the ‘accommodation’ and ‘experiences’ sections of the pages ‘The Lakes’ and ‘Amalfi Coast’.


Here is my public share link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/ailsas-veejay-project-8c963c8bcea96b078?utm_source=ailsas-veejay-project-8c963c8bcea96b078&preview=866f141320ad79531d90c33187c5f705

Is this what you need? :slight_smile:

Thanks for your suggestion @Linea !

Unfortunately this doesn’t work for me, since the overlay on the body prevents the other elements on the page from being clicked.

Still no solution to this so I had to redesign my page :unamused: