Hide on click interaction

I’m trying to setup a simple interaction which hides an element once it gets clicked. However I want it to be hidden without a fade out animation.

Some context: I’m hiding a delete button, to reveal a second confirmation step hidden under it.

On the interaction menu I’ve setup a mouse click interactions > on 1st click > Action: Fade > Fade Out
It works, but I couldn’t find a way to control the fade out speed, which is too slow for my intended purpose.

Is there a way to control the animation speed of these pre-defined animations?


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

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Hey @gvdias

I think you can’t set the timing here…

I will not use the pre-defined animations. For more control just go and do all in the animations panel. You can control timings and easing there.

Piter :webflow_heart: