Hello Webflow family,
I am a new user (2 weeks) and could really use some design help from the community.
My product page has several product screen shots. The meat of the content starts with the heading, DISPLAY OUR SMS SHORT CODE ON ALL YOUR LISTINGS and ends with the heading, JOIN THE CONVERSATION AT ANYTIME.
The Desktop view, alternates the text and image in collumns from left to right. For example, in the first product screen shot, the image of a newspaper, yard sign, and website in circular format is in the left column, while the text, DISPLAY OUR SMS SHORT CODE ON ALL YOUR LISTINGS is in the right collumn.
And then it alternates. The text is in the left column and the image is in the right column.
The PROBLEM occurs on the mobile PORTRAIT version of the website. I want the text to show above the image, like this:
Unfortunatly, Webflow defaults by putting ANY CONTENT in the left column above the content in the right column when STACKING the columns atop one another (like it does on the mobile version). Thus, my content is showing up incorrectly for every section when I put the image in the left column and the text in the right column:
When I manually alter the mobile PORTRAIT content, all other views (desktop, iPad, mobile landscape) of the website are negatively impacted.
How can I fix this problem?
Thanks for any recommendations.