I have a testimonial card section in my site’s homepage that I am struggling with. It was perfect until I uploaded the last copy that I needed into one of the cards. Now, in desktop version, the card is split up between the first and second column, instead of being in one card in one column.
I can’t change the height of one card without changing the height of all cards. I only want to make the height of the all of the individual cards tall enough to format correctly. I don’t want any of the cards bleeding onto another section, and I want each card to be fully displayed within the column that it is placed in.
Please help.
See my read only link
Hi there,
To create equal height testimonial cards using flexbox, here’s how to set it up:
For the parent container:
- Set Display to “Flex”
- Set Direction to “Horizontal”
- Set Justify to “Start”
- Set Align to “Stretch”
For individual testimonial cards:
- Set a specific width percentage, or
- Use the Flex Child “Expand” setting
For content alignment within each card:
- Set Display to “Flex”
- Set Direction to “Vertical”
- Use auto margins to control specific element alignment
This structure ensures all cards maintain equal height while allowing flexible content placement within each card.
Hopefully this helps! If you still need assistance, please reply here so somebody from the community can help.