Help to delete collection reference field and collection

I guys, I’m working on a clients site, I’m trying to delete a reference from a collection, but I keep getting that the collection is been used? there is no items in the collection? I just cannot delete it

I’m trying to delete Authors from Blog post collection, any ideas?

Hi @daniel_cleayweb, thanks, I am happy to take a look, but in the site, I see a “Writers” field in Blog Posts, no Authors field, and a field that says “Do not use this”.

Just to be sure, can you please confirm the name of the field you want to remove? I assume the “Do not use this” but I do not want to assume anything.

Thanks dave your a legend, I have renamed them “Delete This” If you refresh you should see it. I have searched for hrs for it.

Hi @daniel_cleayweb, thanks, yes deleting collection fields can sometimes be tricky, but hang in there, I am taking a look :slight_smile:

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Hi @daniel_cleayweb, could you try to delete the field again first from Blog post collection, then delete the “Delete This” collection again ?

There may have been some CMS bindings still in site dependencies and I have flushed that.

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It worked now, I dont understand, nothing changed? Is it a caching issue?

Hi @daniel_cleayweb, well I see that the site has a lot of elements, styles etc and sometimes when a cms binding is removed, the binding is still in cache.

Usually a good idea after making any cms element delete, is to save the site using cmd+s in mac or ctrl+s in Windows, and then doing a hard refresh with the site loaded in the designer: Scratch Wiki

Webflow support is here to help with issues related to deleting cms elements, feel free to ping us at

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Thanks a million Dave, I’ll keep that in mind next time

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