Help inverting colour of an SVG logo when Dark Mode is enabled

Sure, no problem!

  1. Replace the logo with an embed element

  2. Place this piece of code inside it:
    <svg xmlns="" id="Layer_2" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:currentColor}</style></defs><g id="Layer_1-2"><path d="M709.48 376.7c28.69-28.69 26.58-58.61.53-84.65-25.88-25.88-54.75-26.59-83.26 1.93l-16.03 16.01 82.73 82.73 16.03-16.01ZM693.79 607.6l-82.73 82.73 16.01 16.03c28.52 28.5 57.39 27.8 83.25 1.93 26.06-26.05 28.18-55.96-.53-84.65l-16.01-16.03Z" class="cls-1"/><path d="M500 0C223.86 0 0 223.86 0 500s223.86 500 500 500 500-223.86 500-500S776.14 0 500 0ZM359.67 772.37 236.46 649.15l88.01-88.01 19.88 19.9-64.24 64.24 29.75 29.75 59.5-59.49 19.71 19.71-59.49 59.49 33.97 33.97 65.47-65.47 19.9 19.88-89.25 89.25Zm69.35-435.61-65.47-65.47-33.97 33.97 59.49 59.49-19.71 19.71-59.5-59.49-29.75 29.75 64.24 64.24-19.88 19.9-88.01-88.01 123.21-123.21 89.25 89.24-19.9 19.88Zm73.74 197.81c-19.09 0-34.56-15.47-34.56-34.56s15.47-34.56 34.56-34.56 34.56 15.47 34.56 34.56-15.47 34.56-34.56 34.56ZM609.14 271.1c39.42-39.42 84.65-45.23 125.85-4.05 39.59 39.61 36.42 88.19-2.83 127.44l-42.59 42.59-123.21-123.21 42.78-42.78Zm126.19 462.18c-41.19 41.19-86.42 35.38-125.86-4.04l-42.76-42.78 123.21-123.21 42.59 42.59c39.25 39.25 42.42 87.84 2.83 127.43Z" class="cls-1"/></g></svg>

  3. Set the font color of the embed to “#0a0a0a”. This will make it the color it should be.

  4. Animate the text color of the logo to the color white.

  5. Do the same as step for but in reverse for the second click.

And voilà. You now have a color switching logo!