Header/Navigation looks abnormally big on browser

Hi there!

When I published my site, I realized there is a lot of unneeded space above and below the navigation bar that only shows on Chrome and Safari, but not on the Webflow Designer.

I tried adjusting the size of the logo and the margin/padding of all navigation containers and I can still not change it.

All help appreciated!

Webflow Designer:


Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Aeton World

([how to share your site Read-Only link][2])

Hey there,

can you please cofirm this issue also appears on chrome icognito on your mobile device?
I double checked your site and on my end there seems to be no issue.

Thanks for helping Marius.

I confirm. On Chrome Incognito and Safari Private you can still see a big amount of extra space that doesn’t show on the Webflow Designer.

I’m using an iPhone XR.

Thanks for clarifying.

Unfortunately I don’t own any iOS device so I have no opportunity to help you here.
You might contact Webflow support regarding this, maybe another user here is able to debug it.

If you ask me, it could be some kind of html rendering issue of iOS and the in-built browser navigaton, perhaps an iPhone notch thing, idk. There will be a workaround, I am sure.