I’m building out a preloader for a website, and I’m having problems getting it to look correct in Safari, although it looks fine on Chrome.
The layout I’m going for is shown below, with the logo and text on the top and bottom staying as they are, and the logos in the middle responsively getting bigger or smaller to the screen size.
It’s made up of a grid, which contains all the elements, and a nested grid for the logos.
In Chrome, it looks and scales perfectly, but when I try to use it on desktop or mobile safari, the logos look way too big, or won’t show.
Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/preloader-liberty?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=preloader-liberty&preview=81177d2e467b6e9f3f4e9f0100ddf7d0&mode=preview