Having Trouble Linking To CMS

Hi Everyone, I’m working on a portfolio for a friend and I am having some issues utilizing the CMS in a couple ways.

Here is my readonly link: Webflow - Rigel's Personal Website

I have 3 main problems.

  1. The images I have stored in my CMS are not appearing in their respective pages. I have 2 CMS collections, one for editorial pictures and one for street style pictures. They are not appearing in their respective pages when linked, as of now i have images there as placeholders.

  2. On the main Styling page, there are two pictures that are supposed to link to their respective CMS collections pages, one of editorial and one of street style. However, when using the link block attribute it does not have the option to link to the CMS pages.

  3. Also, the link block is the width of the whole block and not just the width of the image, not sure how to fix that but if anyone has any ideas on how to then please let me know.

Any help with these issues would be greatly appreciated!! I am new to webflow but I want to learn how to properly use the software proficiently. Thank you!

HI @neoud

  1. BINDING data from CMS to element is done via purple bug sitting in left top corner.

  1. link to page template is via link to CURRENT whatever

3.Do not use TEXT COLUMNS for LAYOUT as name describe what is should be used for.

All these things are well described in WF documentation.

Hope this cleared all of your questions.

Feel free to take courses on Webflow university to learn how to work with this platform. :vulcan_salute: