Has anyone used CMS data for input to make awesome graphs/bars

Design & CMS Help.

Has anyone used CMS data for input to make awesome graphs/bars.

I’m trying to create a simple Partially full bar using a div, then assign how full it is to a numerical value in the CMS.

This way on each case study in my website, I can show a bar, and how low or high the bounce rate or another variable of my project is represented by a data linked bar.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

I’m creating something like that for a review driven blog, haven’t got that far but if I get it to work I’ll let you know or if you do it first please share :wink:

Or if anyone else has please advice :thumbsup:

1 Like

Haha awesome!!
Sounds great :slight_smile:

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