Beginner here!
In the navbar when the site is resized smaller than desktop the nav links are replaced by the hamburger menu (like they should be) for one second, then the hamburger menu disappears and the nav links reappear. So you just get a flash of the hamburger menu.
Does anyone know why this might be happening?
In this site I’ve dropped the Webflow navbar element in twice - the first instance I was tinkering with before noticing this issue, the second instance is the original navbar element, which I just dropped in so I could see if the issue was still happening without any changes to it. (It is.)
There is some other content on the site which is set to display: none since I was just using it to learn tools, but I don’t think it should affect the navbar.
Thanks for any help!
Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)