Grouped CMS-Stores with different PDF-Offers


I was trying to solve this problem within 10+ hours but could not solve it. It would be awesome if someone could help me out.

I am having this Setup at my Static-Page:

  1. CMS with Stores (Name, Adress, reference-field to the 2. CMS)
  2. CMS Store-Groups (I have about 7 Store-Groups that are linked to the 3. CMS with the Offer-PDF)
  3. CMS with the Offer Names and PDFs

What I want to achieve:
On a static Page I have added the 1. CMS Collection List with Stores displayed as cards. On this cards I have nested the 3. CMS Collections as a Button to the Offer PDF with the finsweet workaround CMS Nest - Nest Webflow CMS Collection lists without limitations. The button with its specific Offer-PDF for a specific Store-Group should only display at the Stores with the same Store-Group of the 2. CMS.

It may sound complex, but in my opinion it should be easy to solve. I just dont get it as Im not a Develeoper and new to webflow. In one sentence: I want to display specific Offers of specific grouped Stores with CMS. I use the groups to make it simple for my client as they dont want to upload the same offer for 15+ stores.

Here is my RO link: Webflow - Getränke Göbel