Grid boxes extending past container/section height on my ultra-wide monitor

Hi all,

My website is here:

Please bear in mind I am quite new to Webflow. On the “Let’s make it RAIN” section on the home page, the 5 gray boxes in the grid look fine on my Chrome browser on my ultra-wide monitor, but on Safari I get the following view:

It looks fine on a Safari browser on my laptop, but I can replicate the problem by zooming out on the browser. I think this is because there is some setting on the object that is fixing its size/position on the website independent of zoom?

Does anyone know the fix for this bug? Thanks!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

can you change the grid’s align to stretch and the sequence’s height to auto (and maybe max to 95%).

Without publishing, I can’t check if it gets fixed but it might since I get a weird look for those in safari on my laptop too. (They are taller than they should)

Max height to 95% didn’t work but I set it manually to 450px and that does the job for now… unless there’s a better fix I’ll stick to this!

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