GDPR - Form Submissions will no longer work on Exported sites :-(

Another form handling service. Free for up to 1000 subs/month per email address.

And then a plethora of options compiled by this dude above for people hosting static sites…


I don’t know what that means.

I went through the Zapier integration. I sent a test through and that email shows up on the Webflow dashboard. How do I get it to NOT do that, since I’m assuming that is what is causing this entire nonsense problem? Do I have to add another processor between Webflow and Zapier? All of the others send through absolutely garish notification emails with gigantic logos.

There needs to be a better solution than, “Go through this free service that puts their logos at 100px height at the top of every notification email your otherwise-white-labeled customer receives.”

Thanks for a detailed response Vlad.

It’s good to hear your intentions surrounding the changes, and I can see your point re a clearer distinction between the the areas. I guess the main gripe will be over communicating with multiple clients and then transitioning the way we approach site forms for smaller builds.

I think if the team (maybe nelson :wink: ) could provide us with some documentation or a video on recommended alternatives and a process then it will make it easier for all. And of course when its possible, clearer documentation surrounding these types of features, so we don’t end up in situations making changes for a number of clients.


Great one @Diarmuid_Sexton!!! You’ve nailed it :wink:

Relax. The writing has been on the wall for a while. I almost exclusively export and dropped webflow forms way back. There are plenty of affordable options. BUT, you really should dump the idea of providing hosting for free… The surplus from hosting fees should cancel out your other overheads and then lead to a small passive income by quantity.

I use netlify for hosting and netlify forms. There are also numerous other third parties to look at (with better flexibility vs webflow forms IMO).

I’m not a developer. A github thing doesn’t help me at all.

I’m sorry that it’s so annoying for me to be trying to keep doing business with Webflow.

As it stands, this completely unnecessary change (for any client based in the US, this is a 100% unnecessary change), is costing me money and that money is going to have to come from somewhere in my budget. Since Webflow is surrendering the main portion of its service that was utility rather than convenience (and the main driving force for me starting up with Webflow in the first place), the Webflow portion of my budget is the part that is most likely to get cut.

You’ll probably be able to get away with fixing this almost completely for free (perhaps a small amount per month for high traffic sites with high form usage).

I’ve made a thread where people can post their solutions.

The tool I use requires my site to be hosted with them (netlify forms) but like others it’s been a simple case of just adding a basic line of text to the action field and perhaps 1 attribute to the form (from within the webflow editor). It takes me about 10 seconds and I do it as soon as I build the contact page so it’s done and forgotten.

Hey everyone, there is a growing list of suggestions over at Any Suggestions on Replacing Exported Forms of Webflow due to GDPR? - #4 by McGuire, including a new video guide on how to easily hook up existing forms to Mailchimp on Webflow University.

I’m going to close this topic for now to avoid two separate threads.