Footer in mobile view not fixed to bottom and sits over content

Hi I am new to webflow and having issues with a footer.

The footer is correctly positioned a the bottom of page for Desktop & tablet view, However on mobile portrait and landscape it has move 1/2 way up the page and sits over the other elements.

If someone could recommend how to fix that would be most appreciated!

Below is video link of issue.

Here is my site Read-Only:

This was a bit off a challenge.
From ‘Section_Projects’ remove the hight ‘78,5 px’ in mobile landscape.
Then everything will fall into place.

Hi there,

Firstly thanks so much for your response, it is most appreciated!
This did fixed the issue in landscape unfortunately seems to still be there in Portrait.

Please see attached is video

Any further ideas?

Set ‘Section Footer’ (mobile) position to static or relative (now its absolute)

Thanks so much, that solved it! now i can continue :blush: